
Our Team

Our sales and customer support people work together to get the best quality products to our customers in a timely fashion. Our worldwide network of recourses guarantee we can find you the product you are looking for regardless of where it is made.

What our customers are saying...

"The customer service department has been extremely responsive to my needs regarding color matching, and has gone the extra yard to make sure I have been satisfied."

"Whenever I have ordered items that are 'non-standard,' Imperial Threads has always managed to find me something to keep me out of a jam."

"The customer service people put the “service” in customer service ! If someone at Imperial Threads tells me the goods will be delivered on a specific day, I can rely on it!"


1Product Knowledge: Our sales people are extremely knowledgeable about our products, if we don’t know the answer to your question, we will find it and get back to you in a timely manner.

2Technical Support: Our sales people have over 35 years of experience in the products we sell and will provide you with the best up to date information available.

3Customer Service: The customer service department at Imperial Threads is here to serve your needs, whether it be locating product, expediting delivery, or simply taking an order.